Stories We Help Our Clients Tell: Taking IT More Seriously

Taking IT More Seriously

Stories We Help Our Clients Tell: Taking IT More Seriously

Every organization has a unique story that drives its mission and operations.

Whether it’s a nonprofit with a clear-cut mission or a clothing company dedicated to sustainability, these narratives shape their identities. However, beyond their core products and services, there’s an often-overlooked story: the evolution of their IT infrastructure.

Growing IT as Your Business Grows

We work with small and medium-sized businesses, ranging from 25 to 200 employees. These organizations have diverse needs, but a common theme among many clients when they first come to us is recent significant growth. A business that started with just a handful of employees may now employ several dozen, necessitating a more mature approach to IT. “We want to get serious about how we manage, spend and secure our IT.”

Initially, a small business can manage its IT needs across a few multifunctional staff members. This approach might suffice for a mom-and-pop operation, but as the organization grows, its IT demands outstrip the capacity of a small team.

That’s usually when they start looking for a managed service provider (MSP) like Hungerford to provide co-managed or fully managed IT services.

“After a significant growth spurt, companies seek IT maturity from MSPs to ensure their IT infrastructure is scalable, secure, cost-effective and aligned with their business objectives.”

Why Growing Companies Seek Managed Service Providers

After a significant growth spurt, companies seek IT maturity from MSPs to ensure their IT infrastructure is scalable, secure, cost-effective and aligned with their business objectives.

MSPs provide the expertise, resources and proactive management needed to support continued growth and success.

  1. Scalability and support: As your company grows, so do your IT needs. Small in-house teams can struggle to keep up with the demands of a larger organization. MSPs bring the expertise and resources to scale your IT systems efficiently, ensuring everything runs smoothly as you add more users, devices and applications.
  2. Enhanced security: With growth comes increased risk. Bigger companies mean bigger targets for cyberattacks. MSPs offer top-notch security measures like threat monitoring, vulnerability assessments and incident response to keep your data safe. They also help you stay compliant with industry regulations, which only gets trickier as you grow.
  3. Cost efficiency: Managing a larger IT setup in-house can get expensive and inefficient. MSPs offer predictable pricing models that cover everything from routine maintenance to major IT projects. This helps you budget better and avoid unexpected costs.
  4. Access to expertise and technology: MSPs bring a wealth of knowledge and experience that your in-house team might not have. They stay on top of the latest technologies and best practices, ensuring you get cutting-edge solutions and expert advice to make smart IT decisions.
  5. Strategic planning and growth alignment: MSPs help you align your IT strategy with your business goals. They develop and implement IT roadmaps that support long-term growth, making sure your IT infrastructure can adapt to future needs and challenges.
  6. Disaster recovery and business continuity: The bigger you get, the harder IT disruptions hit. MSPs offer solid disaster recovery and business continuity plans to make sure you bounce back quickly from any unforeseen events, keeping your operations running smoothly.

Why This Matters

Growth is always top of mind for organizations, but your IT should grow along with it. Otherwise, your organization may face issues that affect your bottom line.

Are You Ready for an IT Support Upgrade?

If your company is ready to grow its IT infrastructure? Contact us here to learn how we can help keep your business running smoothly while increasing productivity, security and profitability.

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